
A. Air-in-Leakage Test

During erection chances of missing and improper welding is envisaged, which will be the main air ingress / leakage source during operation. Those leak sources will create ambient air-ingress into Electrostatic Precipitator which will deteriorate the performance by

  • Disturbing gas distribution
  • Creating excessive spark
  • Condensation inside ESP due to difference in temperature
  • Increasing local velocity and cause re-entrainment of collected dust

B. Gas Distribution Test

Uneven gas velocity distribution across the Electrostatic Precipitator can detoriate overall performance in several ways

  • Gas escapes unterated by sneakage through hopper and above the fields
  • Create high velocity zone causing re-entrainment of collected dust
  • Poor gas flow distribution may cause dust settling on deflection plates which disrupts gas flow

Gas distribution screens were designed by using Computational fluid dynamics to satisfy the recommendation as per IGCI and ICAC EP7 to have uniform gas distribution across ESP to enhance the performance and also physical gas distribution test will be conducted to ensure effective utilization of collection area after completion of ESP erection.

C. Performance Test

Electrostatic Precipitator being a constant efficiency equipment, GEECO can assess the performance of existing equipment by conducting isokinetic sampling as per standard of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 5 or Method 17.